Tuesday, March 14, 2006

It begins...

I start real estate classes tomorrow and I have no idea what I am going to need. Kinda sucks cause it was suppose to be in Bedford, but it's now in Mitchell, so that adds another 30 miles to my driving. UGH. Right now all the roads are flooded. Bah. And in two weeks I have spring break... wtf? LOL This isn't even a real school, just a course. Nine weeks, and since they decided to add "spring break" now I have to push back my end date a week. Oh well, as long as I don't get to Mitchell to find everything floating away. I figured I would take a small notebook for tomorrow, and then maybe get a bigger one later. Or stop at the store on the way there. Who knows until tomorrow. Sucks cause I don't know where my backpack is. BAH. I don't know if my house ate it or if I was robbed (ex, what he would want with a purple backpack, I don't know, maybe just for the name). Well, this shouldn't be too hard, but it sounds like it's going to cost some cash to start up. We'll see when we see I guess. I'll let you know more tomorrow night. Oh yeah, the instructor was the lady that sold me my house. I kinda figured it would be. LOL

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

New Issues...

So today I put together my frame, only to find that the poles are about 2 inches to short. LOL I think I'm going to buy some dowel rods and split them down the middle to fix the problem.

I made several phone calls today, mostly to the IRS still trying to fix 2001 tax issues, but I think we finally may be on the road to progress. They believe they know the problem, and how to finally fix it. The couple other phones calls dealt with me signing up for my real estate course. So I'm going, but unfortunately it leaves me strapped for my daughter's birthday. I keep telling myself though that this will help us out in the long run, and I can make it up to her. Maybe I can talk to her dad, and he can help out. I don't know though. I try to call him and he never calls back. He says he works a lot, but I don't know, he lives 11 hours away. My financial situation sucks in a big way, and with nothing coming from him it makes it harder. I couldn't even live in my house this winter, but the heat was too expensive last year, I couldn't have imagined what it would have been this year. Rick's went up, and he has electric. It had even went up after having someone live in his house last year that turned up the heat to 80-85 during the day while Rick was at work. So even after all that last year his was still up 60 dollars. I have gas heat at my house, and one month they wanted to slam me with a $600 bill last year, these year I said there was no freaking way I would be able to swing it at all.

Final note... I can't believe South Dakota...

Monday, March 06, 2006

All the nuts and bolts... continued 2

So here is the stuff that I was missing from my lap stand.

The company replaced them and mailed them to me, all free of charge. Now I can start working on my cross stitch... well once the house is clean. This weekend will be warming up so I may actually be heading to my house this weekend to air it out and do some outside work, before it gets too warm. So I'll try to keep up with the updates on both sites.

Thanks for stopping by.

Friday, March 03, 2006

All the nuts and bolts... continued

So I wrote the people that made my frame, and they told me today that they will be sending me my parts. YAY! This will make my life easier, not to mention my cross stitch, especially since this is a pretty large piece of linen. It will be easier to keep a steady tension if I didn't have it all bunched up in my hand. So until then, I probably won't be doing any work on it.

eBay- Well I have been going through an eBay kick lately. I have had an account open since 2002, but I have bought a grand total of three thing, two in the past week and one back in 03. Some people have a problem with that cause they just see that my feedback is low, not that I have had the account for 3 and a half years. Another eBay problem I had, I was bidding on an item, and because it wasn't selling for what she wanted it to sell for even though the start price was 99 cents and no reserve, she cancelled it and restarted it at 50 bucks. Then she told me I could bid on it again if I wished, when I had been winning it at 99 cents! If she had let it run it's course I probably would have paid 50 bucks because most people don't waste looking at auctions that have more than a day on them, but I was like forget it, she's trying to cheat me. I asked eBay about it, and they said it looks like she was trying to cheat them too by not setting a reserve to start with. Oh well, stuff happens.

On the writing thing- I have come up with a new story, and hopefully this one will pan out. It going pretty well seeing as how I just come up with it at 5am yesterday. Well see I guess.

That's all for now, more again later.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

All the nuts and bolts...

OK, I got my pattern today, but spent most of my day at the mall. I did get a TINY bit done, but it seems that the linen may give me a bit of a probably since I have never used it before. No pics yet, I haven't gotten anything really done. Also my lap stands was missing all it's nuts and bolts so I need to get those, and things will move a little better. Found some pretty good deals, and of course... most stuff bought was not for myself. I bought my kid her Easter outfit, at children's Place, and as women should know, decent prices, but when buying a whole matching thing, shoes, hat everything... yeah... Expensive for one outfit, for one day, for a kid. I'm cheating though, she's going to wear it for her birthday and to get some pictures taken.

Here are the items I bought, plus a pair of shoes and a hat. I'm even hoping it's big enough for her to wear next year. I know, I'm kinda cheap, but I like nice things.


I think SO!

Thanks for Stopping by!

Okay Folks...

You maybe slightly confused, but I have created a different blog for my house. This will be more about me and my other interests like cross stitch and writing. I know I signed those dotted lines but you can view it here at the "My House Blog" link. Maybe we can all learn a little something together.

Other things going on, I'm still waiting for my cross stitch pattern to come in the mail although I have just about everything else to get started. I had ordered the pattern first but it had been misrouted in the mail.

Here is the pattern I will be working on when I'm not working on my house and my writing.

Speaking of writing, I ordered a copy of the Writers' Market today for Children's Authors. I decided to try children's literature for my daughter and the other kids I know. Once I have more confidence in the market then I will go back to writing my novels. Unlike most writers you won't see my posts of my writing. I fear the power of the internet and would hate to get ripped off. I know that sounds some what conceited, actually thinking someone would want to rip me off, but taking someone's ideas and twisting to your own is still ripping off someone regardless of if ones writing is better than another's.

I'm also trying to get a part time job. Part time because I still want to spend time with my daughter and once she starts school I can go to full time.

Well that's about it for now, sorry for any confusion with the house blog and all, but hopefully I have cleared up the matter for you.

Thanks for stopping by!